Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hello, ladies!

I'm still here! We temporarily have dial up Internet...oh, my....it is SO slow. I have missed reading your blogs so much but I can't out here because it takes forever to bring them up since there are graphics and pictures on them. It took a good 5 minutes just to bring this up so I could post something. We should have DSL in a couple of weeks and in the meantime, we're just trying to be patient.

We are completely moved out of the old house. I met our landlady over there today at lunch and she did a walk through and was very happy with how nice it looked. She gave me a check for our deposit and we parted with plans for her to come have dinner with us Friday night. She will be our first guest! She not only was our landlady but is a very dear friend.

My granddaughters are doing well and I plan on going to see them one day this month. I miss not seeing them very much but am grateful for the times I do have with them. Their daddy, my son, will be graduating from seminary in May so we're eagerly awaiting that happy day. Then he is going to rest for a month or so because he has been in intensive training for three years along with working at his job, being a husband, and a daddy. We are praying that he and his family will be able to move closer to us here instead of being over 2 hours away. I'm ready to do some babysitting!

I am not able to come by and visit y'all right now but please know I miss you and will be back in full swing very shortly. I pray you are all well and I will "see" you soon!



Karen H. said...

Good Morning LeeAnn,
I have been a bad blogger lately. I just don't have the want to in posting or visiting much. I guess it's because of all this rain we are getting. We got some more overnight and more is on the way today and tonight and suppose to move out by noon on Friday. We may even have some severe weather later this afternoon and tonight. I sure hope not. I remember when we first got a computer and got hooked up to the internet. All we had was dial-up also and I hated it so bad. I was glad when the cable company offered internet services. I have missed you posting, but I do understand tho. I bet you are ready to do some babysitting. I will be praying that your Son will be able to move closer to you and Sam. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours. Be sure to come visit when you are hooked up to DSL.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Anonymous said...

Hello again. I am so glad that you are settling into your new home. Hopefully you will be able to visit soon.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I'm visiting my daughter and two grands here in Alabama. I came over by myself but Jim is coming this weekend. I hope that it will soon be where you feel you can visit your son and his family and be comfortable. 2 hours away is not that far really. I wish I was that close to all of mine. I'm planning to fly to Maryland again this summer to visit. I think I'll stay a whole week if they'll let me. I'm looking forward to it.
Enjoy your new place,
Mama Bear

Hope said...

Hi Leeann,
Just stopping by to check on you and say howdy!! I hope you are all settled in now and enjoying your new place. I'd love to see pictures. I think you mentioned you think you might be near me? I'm close to Kingsport, TN.

I hope you get that DSL soon and let us hear from you!


Hope said...

Hi Leeann,
Just popping in to check on you. I've been out of commission for a while so I'm catching up today.

I hope all is well with you. I see you haven't posted in a long time either. Let us hear from you.

Love and Hugs,

Hope said...

Hi Leeann, it's me again!! Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and tell you that I miss your blog posts. Come visit me if you're still online! :)
