Friday, November 23, 2007

Lagniappe (a little bit more)

.....about me.

It's taken me a while to figure out how on earth to do this, and I'm sure this will be one of the more unadorned blogs you'll read. But then again, I'm kinda plain and simple myself. I've learned to make things easy on myself most of the time... plus I have a very hard time making decisions, so the very fact that I'm actually doing this is quite remarkable.

Okay, a little bit more about me. I am married to Sam and we have two grown sons, one of whom is married and about to make me a grandmother to twin girls! We have a little old dog, Snow Pea, and two weird cats and two even weirder parakeets. But I don't think anyone else would love them or take care of them like we could, so we treasure them. I'll fill you in on more about my 2-legged and 4-legged loved ones as time goes on.

I wanted to start this yesterday because I thought Thanksgiving was an appropriate day for this undertaking. I do have so much I'm grateful for. It was that strange aversion I have to making decisions that kept me from starting this yesterday so here I am.

I work part time as an office manager in a small, family owned business. I only work 4 hours on Fridays so I went in this afternoon. I would have preferred being at home with Sam. We love being together more than anything in this world and so every moment together is precious to us. Our kids weren't able to be with us yesterday for the holiday. Our youngest son lives in another state (attending college) and our oldest is a couple of hours from us but can't travel due to my daughter-in-law's pregnancy. The babies are due in two months but she's not allowed to travel anymore until the birth. We'll go see them in the next week or two and I'll prepare some meals for them to put in the freezer so she doesn't have to be on her feet too much. I cannot wait to meet my granddaughters - God has richly blessed me.

I love bad weather. Not tornadoes - that's another story. But cold, windy, snowy, sleety, thundery-lightening-y - ummm...did I mention cold?.....those are the days I like. My family is like that, too. I get sad on sunny Sundays. Do any of y'all dread Sundays, too? I don't know why I do, although I suspect there is some dark reason for it. I can tolerate some sunny days besides Sunday, but after a few weeks of the cheerful look, I'm ready for glorious gloom. How about you?

It's late and I'm just mentally exhausted trying to figure out how to get started on this thing. I think it will be a joyful journey and I really look forward to sharing my thoughts on life and the challenges of being middle-aged with you. As I mentioned in my "about me" thingy, I don't necessarily fit into a particular category. I hope you have a pleasant night and sweet dreams.

1 comment:

bj said...

I can't believe how much we have in common! I feel better, act better, better mood, everything is better during bad weather, for me. I love rainy, cloudy, snowy, lightening, thunder, (NOT you know, here in West Texas, Toronados are HATED) days. It almost makes me mad when someone says "Oh, another dark, dreary day". I LOVE those dark days and they aren't dreary for me at all.