Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I'm so grateful that my loved ones were not hurt during last night's horrific storms. I am also very saddened by the tragic loss of many lives. It's a hard thing to understand....seeing God's might in such dramatic ways. It's as though you see death's hand reaching out from the sky and plucking life up randomly when you watch tornadoes. I've had a couple of close calls and it is a horrifying experience.

My elderly mother-in-law lives in the path of tornadoes. She lives alone and doesn't drive. She also is not able to move around easily in her small home anymore so we were very worried about her being able to get to safety last night. Thankfully, she was feeling pretty spry and was able to maneuver well yesterday and even though she didn't have to retreat to her bathroom for shelter, we were comforted to know that she could get there if she needed to.

I am facing tomorrow with sadness as it will be one week that I lost my little dog. It will also be the first day off I've had in many, many years that I haven't had her to spend it with me. It is getting easier day by day but I know it will be a long, long time before I can think of her without a stab of pain in my heart. My Sam feels the same way. We feel as though we've lost a child. We have two cats that we love dearly but since losing little Snow Pea, I am afraid we haven't made much of an effort to interact with them. We know that they need our love, too, and are probably missing their little friend, so we are making a concerted effort to show them extra love now. We will all be blessed for it.

I am off to soak in a nice, hot bath. I've had a backache for a couple of days now and it's starting to really get on my nerves. Hope you have a pleasant and peaceful night.


Karen H. said...

Good Morning LeeAnn,
"PRAISE GOD" your MIL is okay and didn't have to take shelter. It was such a bad night here in Arkansas and Tennesee as well. My heart goes out to the ones who lost everything and loved ones. I was watching the news last night and they were up in Mt. View and showing some pictures of up there. It just broke my heart and I had tears in my eyes. I am still keeping you and Sam in my prayers. I know it must be hard on yall not having your Snow Pea around. Like you said, it does get better with time, but the time is the hardest part. It's a good thing you have your 2 kitties. They must know that they are loved as well. Enjoy your day off today. I got up too late and haven't done a post. My DH is home until early Sunday Morning. I am spending all the time I can with him, so my post's may be few and in between while he is home. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning LeeAnn,
I'm just dropping by to see how yall are doing. I have been on a hiatus for a few days. I finally put up a new post this morning. Hopefully since my DH has left for work, I will get back on my normal routine. I hope you enjoyed your relaxing bath the other night. Those kind of baths sure do make a person feel alot better. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H>

Denise said...

I am thankful to God for keeping your mother in-law safe. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear little dog. I have a cat named precious, she is my little baby.