Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday night

Hi, ladies -

Sam and I just got back from our new place. We took a few boxes out there and will continue to chip away at it until everything is moved. It's so much fun to think about what all I want to do out there. I'm also constantly aware that every thing I take out of a box won't have to go back in a box to move elsewhere, Lord willing. We hope this is our permanent home until we die. That's sobering but comforting at the same time. I told him the other night that we'll remember this time while we're still relatively young and healthy as we are picking up heavy boxes and furnishings and moving around with ease. One day, we'll look at one another and notice that we are moving slower through those rooms and with a degree of difficulty as we age. I pray that is so and that God lets us have a long life together. By the way, there was a big difference in the weather out there than from where we are now. It's pretty mild here...about 50...with no wind. Now, our new place is up higher in the mountains about 20 miles from here. Well, when we got out of our car, the wind was blowing hard and it was about 10 degrees cooler. I hope it stays like that during the summer months. I love it.

I think everything is ready for our trip to see the grandbabies tomorrow. I made baked beans and green beans and some sweet tea to contribute to our lunch and others will bring ham, potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and my son's mother-in-law will be bringing something called Frog Eye Salad. Have y'all heard of that? I never had before and I had some last year at a family gathering. It's got this tiny round pasta that you cook and then add fruit to it and whipped cream/sour cream dressing, I think, and serve it cold. It was very, very good.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend and I'll see you back here Sunday.



Denise said...

Hey sweetie, sounds like it is going to be a very nice weekend for you. The food all sounds really good. Hope your foot is doing better, take care.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning LeeAnn,
I went to bed pretty early last night and woke up early this morning. I'm just now making my rounds. Sounds like you and Sam are making some progress in your moving. It will just take some time. I don't think we will get to move today. It started Snowing here yesterday afternoon around 11:30a.m. and they let School out at 12:15p.m. My DH finally made it home from Memphis around 3:30p.m. Him and the girls tried to make a Snowman, but it was too wet of a Snow. Hopefully they will be able to make one today. It's still early and everyone is still asleep but me. I'm having my morning coffee and I did put up a new post. If we don't move, I'm going to take some pictures with my new camera of our Snow. I will just have to wait until my DH gets up to see what he thinks about moving. I'm guessing we got about 5 or 6 inches of Snow. I may even make some Snow Cream later today. I have always heard it's cooler in the mountains than on flatland. I do hope it stays that way for you this summer as well. I hope yall have a wonderful time visiting the Grandbabies this weekend. I know you are just going to love on them all you can. I have never heard of Frog Eye Salad before. From the way you described it, it does sound good. The food you cooked to take sure does sound good as well. I'm thinking of making some homemade soup today since it is cold and we have Snow. That would be the perfect meal for a day like that. Take care my friend and have a great day. Yall be careful in your traveling this weekend. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Leeann,
I would love to know where in the South you are located and wish you'd share photos of the new place. Enjoy visiting with the babies. It is hard to share with our grandchildren's other grandparents sometimes. I hope you have some quality time with them while you're there.. The salad sounds good. Always love trying new recipes.
Mama Bear

Carole Burant said...

Hi Leeann:-)

Glad to hear that the moving into your new place is going well...that's what's nice about it being only a few miles away, you can bring stuff throughout the week, a bit at a time.

It's very frigid over here...-8F with the windchill factor right now. I know what you mean about it being colder when you get up to higher elevation...the apartment where my mom lives is built on a hill and I can never get over how much colder the wind feels when I go visit her.

Have a great time with your grandbabies tomorrow:-) I love baked beans...yummm! Nope, can't say I've ever heard of Frog Eye Salad...just glad there are no actual frog eyes in it! lol Will look forward to hearing all about your day! xox