Sunday, March 16, 2008

At the end of the day

Hi, ladies -

I haven't posted anything in a while. Sam and I have been busy moving things to the new place and we're getting closer and closer to being moved. Our goal is to have everything done by next Sat. so we can spend the night. We'll see how long our muscles last us! Sam has had the brunt of it and has worked very, very hard. He's moved so many big, heavy things by himself and we are kinda hoping that between the two of us, we might make the last trip of the biggest things by ourselves. I can lift the end of a couch, loveseat, and desk and also help with the bed. If we could do it without getting help from anyone, that would be great.

We were out there all afternoon yesterday and unpacked boxes. There was a box of what I thought was my mother's china that had been packed away for 15 years and I was most anxious to open it. Well, the dishes on top were the cups to her set, half of which were broken. The rest of it was glassware and for the life of me, I can't recall the pattern. My mom used to call it her crystal but to my thinking, it's too heavy to be crystal. It's clear and has that raised diamond pattern on it. Do y'all know what it is? I will try to figure out how to put a picture on here and show you. I was disappointed but maybe there is another box of her china around that I just haven't seen yet. I did find the china that my mother in law gave us years ago and hasn't been used in about 5 years. I told Sam I want to find a hutch for the dining room and display her china, as it is very delicate and pretty, but I want to use it daily. Why have it if we can't enjoy it? I hand wash my dishes anyway and it would look so pretty on my table and would make me think of her every time we sat down to a meal.

Sam and I were to dog sit for a friend of mine, K. I had never taken care of this little dog as my friend has only had her a few months. She was abused and K has been telling me she would be very shy. Well, she refused to come out of her kennel and even snapped at me when I reached in for her. I took as much time as I could, talking gently to her but she has had a hard life and is so skittish and she wasn't going to come out of there so I decided to leave her in peace. K was understanding and felt bad that we traveled that distance to care for her - she's about 30 min. from us. But we tried and maybe if I'm around her more and more, she'll get used to me.

I talked to youngest son last night and was happy, as always, to have that time with him. He is such a joy and is very easy to talk to. I am incredibly blessed to have the close relationship that I do with him. He told me that he wants to move up here so bad because he wants to be near us and be somewhere that is so pretty. I think he will be coming up shortly and may bring his girl with him and let her see the area. She is close to her family and hasn't traveled far from Texas at all so she is curious to see what it's like here and I think, son may be hoping that she'll love it enough to consider a move. It's very hard for them as he wants to be close to his family and she, hers. Selfishly, I want them here as I've lived away from him for 3 years now and miss him more all the time. We have a very easy relationship and I say that because my relationship with married son isn't quite as easy. We have no problems between us and we love each other deeply but since he has been in training, he sometimes appears to get in a "preachy" mode with his family. He just isn't always himself these days....he's more serious and being surrounded by religious scholars much of the time has subtly changed him. Add that to his being married and a father and naturally, his priorities have changed and his responsibilites are so great that I think he is overwhelmed at times. I just want my boy back sometimes - I miss him. This feeling will pass, I know, and although life changes and he has taken up the mantle of manhood, he is still that wonderful young man that I am very proud of and am grateful to God that I got to be his mom.

I am off to fix Sam some supper and then to rest for the evening. I pray happy weeks for all of you.


Denise said...

Praying that your week will be all that you want it to be.

Anonymous said...

This is the best way to move, a little at a time. That way you can take your time unpacking and not be overwhelmed. I can't wait to see pictures of the new area.
Its a shame about your mother's china cups. Perhaps we can replace them if we know the pattern. I don't believe in saving things like that either. I say enjoy them. They're yours. Family is special so everyday is a special occasion.
I hate to say this but if your son's girl is close to her family, chances are that is where they will live. There is that saying: A son is a son 'til he takes a wife, A daughter is a daughter all her life. There does seem to be some truth to that as we have to step back and let our sons take the role of husband. I would like to spend some time alone with mine on occasion but it is rare. He isn't my little boy anymore. Its hard to accept that sometimes. We'll just commiserate together. Actually, these days I am closer to my son in love. He doesn't have a good relationship with his own mother so ours is becoming a special bond.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are able to move a little at a time.

Son's grow up and change as a mother of two young men I have come to realize that. However, over the past couple of years my relationship with our oldest has gotten closer, more like when he was younger. I love it.

Mary said...

I will pray for your and your sons. Sometimes sons come full circle and end up being as close to their mothers as when they were little. Each one is different.


Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon LeeAnn,
I am back online. We got hooked back up on Monday, but I have just been too tired to post or even visit. I tried to do a post the other morning, but my mind was still too tired I guess. LOL. We had everything moved by Saturday afternoon. Monday I didn't do nothing. I was so tired and sore from the move. LOL. I had bones I didn't even know I had. LOL. I am just doing a little bit each day. I did do a post very early this morning too. Since the girls have been out for Spring Break this week, I have been staying up late and sleeping late. It's going to be rough come Monday morning. LOL. I do hope that your move is about done. I don't know what pattern that is to your Mother's China. It does sound beautiful tho. Maybe when your Son brings his girlfriend to visit, they will decide to live somewhere close to you and Sam. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.