Thursday, December 6, 2007

Getting real

I toyed with the idea of blogging for many months. I have enjoyed reading other women's blogs and have been inspired by them. I knew that mine would probably be different. I wouldn't have lots of colorful graphics, beautiful music, dancing bears and the like. Not that I wouldn't like that but because I am not well versed in achieving those effects. And I'm not terribly motivated to learn, I'm afraid. No, what I wanted was to simply talk. From the heart of a 50-something woman who has lived life fully and who has many experiences to share and not all of them bubbly and happy and perky. Some of them are sad and gut wrenching and awful. I wanted to write so that I might find others who have shared similar experiences and who might just know what I am talking about. I have linked to many blogs whose authors are stay at home mothers and who have seemingly perfect lives. (I know they don't but you know what I mean.) I call myself a gentle outsider for a reason. I am a Christian, a very happy and blessed wife and mother, and yet I've known heartache and grief and great joy and disappointment. I have a lot to say.

I have a very tiny, older dog that I love very much - Snow Pea. I watched her being born and she has been my shadow for 13+ years. Tonight, as I was petting her, I found a knot on her jaw that I hadn't felt before. My stomach lurched and my blood ran cold because, as is typical of me, I immediately assumed the worst. I am hoping and praying it's an abscessed tooth or something "fixable". She'll go to the vet. first thing in the morning. I know the day is coming when I'll have to tell her goodbye and that is a day I dread more than I can ever express. If you think about her, please say a little prayer on her behalf. She and I would appreciate it very much. I'll let you know the report from the dr. tomorrow night.

Until then, sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Karen H. said...

Good Morning LeeAnn,
I loved your post. It has alot of meaning to it. Let me tell ya, I am a plain and simple person. I didn't decorate my blog. I had someone else to do it because I didn't know how. I've learned a few things, but that's about it. You will in time learn also. I am not one of those people who try to be someone I'm not. I've been thru alot of heartaches and pain myself. I have been hurt really bad in my life. I do have a wonderful hubby now and 2 beautiful girls. We may not have much, but we have love and to me that is alot. I hope that nothing is seriously wrong with your dog. Maybe the vet can give her something to take care of it. We don't have a pet here, but I have had them in the past. It is a hard thing to lose one. I will say a prayer for your dog. Well, take care my friend and have a great Friday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.