Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sweet Saturday night

Sam and I just got home from spending the sweetest day with oldest son and daughter-in-law. She has gotten so much bigger since we saw her a few weeks ago and if she was having one baby, she would be considered full term. She's holding up well and has such a good attitude. We know she is a bit overwhelmed at times but Sam reminded her and our son that God would not give them these precious little girls if He didn't know that they would be the best parents for them and that they will be well equipped for the task of raising them. We are so excited to meet these little girls! We took the kids out to dinner and then had birthday cake for our son and he opened our gifts to him. When we left, he said he sure wished we could stay all night and if we could have, we would have. I'm just grateful they are only a couple of hours away.

I prepared a few meals for them to pop in the oven from the freezer so that she doesn't have to be on her feet in the kitchen more than necessary. I fixed pinto beans, corn chowder, taco soup, lasagna, and chicken and dumplings. I was so happy to see that other ladies dropped off a few things for them, too. They have a good circle of friends that see to it that she doesn't over exert herself and it's very hard because she's normally very active and feels guilty if she isn't busy doing something. I suspect in a few weeks, she'll be wishing she had a few quiet moments back, don't you?

I think I'm off to bed shortly. I have a bit of a scratchy throat and just feel kinda yuck today so a good night's sleep is in order. I bid you all a good night and y'all sleep tight.


Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon LeeAnn,
That was so sweet of you and hubby to take your Son and Daughter-In-Law out to dinner. It was very nice of you to take over some meals for them as well. That corn chowder sounds delicious. Could you email or post the recipe for me? I wouldn't mind trying it sometime. I am always looking for new things to try. I watch Food Network alot. I'm glad they have a good cirle of friends to help them out as well. Oh yes, she will be wishing for some quiet moments. LOL. Once them baby girls get here, there is no quiet time at all. LOL. I didn't have twins, but after I had my first one and then my second one, whew, I didn't even know what quiet time was. LOL. But, I wouldn't change any of it at all. That was what I wanted for a very long time. Take care of yourself LeeAnn. There is alot of that stuff going around here. Hubby has been that way ever since he came home Thursday night. I am giving him some meds that I had left from when I was sick. It does make you feel worse at night for some reason. Well, take care my friend and have a great Sunday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.

bj said...

Hi, Leeann, thanks for coming by my place. We always cut the center out, too, but my daughter decided it was easier to stretch and pull and pinch back into it...either way works! I understand how much you miss your mom. I was a LOT older when my mother died and it's been 20 yrs and seems like just yesterday. It gets so much better with time but it never gets really easy. We love them so much so of course we're going to miss them so much.
I am so glad you have such a good relationship with your son and DIL..and you are going to have those twins to love soon! You can make them donuts when they get older and then they will have precious memories!
hugs, bj